Prism Award 2019 for HR Excellence

A huge "THANK YOU" to my amazing team by ICF Germany and Partner RELEVANT Managementberatung - Hogan Assessments Distributor, to our excellent Jury and of course to all the committed candidates, finalists and winners!
Prism Award of ICF Germany 2019 went to Adidas and Vodafone.
Volkswagen received the "Sonderpreis der Jury" of the ICF Germany 2019 Prism Award for the first time.
Last Friday evening, the German Prism Award was presented as the highlight of the two-day Coaching Day in Munich, supported by RELEVANT Managementberatung (German distributor for Hogan Assessment in the German-speaking area).
The Prism Award 2019 went to adidas and Vodafone for their outstanding coaching programs. The jury's special prize, awarded for the first time this year, went to Volkswagen for its differentiated system of interlocking coaching offerings, which was recognized as the "lighthouse of the industry".
The outstanding coaching program of adidas is characterized by the fact that it consistently relies on internationally uniform, tested ICF quality for its internal coaches and is thus remarkably successful: on the one hand in the feedback of the participants and on the other hand in a business management sense: After the original coaching program with external coaches was to be discontinued for cost reasons, a new program was launched - with internal employees who are all ICF certified. The success of this change can be measured strictly according to business guidelines (ROI) at the Herzogenaurach sporting goods manufacturer.
Vodafone's excellent coaching programme also relies on tested ICF quality, but also allows certification of coaches who belong to at least one of the other German associations that have joined forces with ICF in the so-called Round Table Coaching. This coaching program is characterized above all by the fact that it sustainably and confidently supports and accompanies the challenges associated with digitization through its close relationship to the corporate strategy.
"Both award winners share the great commitment of those responsible for the program, who achieved extraordinary results with a great deal of commitment and expertise from limited resources. We are looking for companies that care about establishing a coaching culture," says Dr. Geertje Tutschka, PCC, Head of the Prism Awards of ICF Germany, lawyer and President Past of ICF Germany, who guarantees the independence of the jury's decision.
The special price of the jury lent for the first time in this year went to the Coaching Program of Volkswagen, which showed, to which success story Coachingprogramme can develop in the course of 25 years. The programme at the Wolfsburg-based automobile manufacturer clearly showed how effective coaching can be, especially in the case of change processes within a company.
"This year we had many excellent submissions. With Volkswagen, however, we had an applicant who stands for the exemplary advancement of coaching as a personnel development measure: As a pioneer decades ago, we courageously focused on the success of coaching and, after a quarter of a century, launched a fully-developed coaching offering comprising various modules - these are the "lighthouses of the industry" that we are looking for with our Prism Award. - says Dr. Geertje Tuschka, PCC.
The top-class jury consisted of experts from the German coaching industry, such as Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Siegfried Greif, Dr. Sandra Schiemann from the University of Salzburg, Ms. Thieme-Wagner from the Haufe Academy, Dr. Holger Karsten from Leadership Choices, Stefan Stenzel from SAP as well as Ms. Anne Schweppenhäußer (MCC) and Michaela Hertel (PCC) from ICF Virtual Education for Coaches and was accompanied by the project team around Dr. Geertje Tutschka, PCC.
The Prism Award Gala on Friday evening brought together an exquisite group of experts from the coaching market, including one hundred participants, such as the speaker and representative of the Round Table Coaching of the largest coaching associations, the ICF global Chair (Jean- Francois Cousin, MCC from Bangkok), the representative of the ICF Prism Award global Jury (Kaveh Mir, PCC from London) as well as the representatives of the ICF Chapters Austria, Serbia, Switzerland and France as well as all responsible persons, submitters and applicants of the Prism Awards 2018 and 2019. The award ceremony and laudations were accompanied by an elegant gala dinner and decided by an exuberant dance party.
The Prism Award of the ICF Germany will also be announced next year and awarded in autumn at the CoachingTag. The submission can be the springboard for the award with the international Prism Award of the ICF in early summer. Submissions will be possible again from the beginning of 2020 (information on this can be found at or in the ICF Germany newsletter. RELEVANT Managementberatung will be there for the 3rd time in 2020 and will not only present itself as a sponsor of the Prism Award, but also as a long-term partner of ICF Germany.
"There are many occasions for coaching in organizations. It is important that coaching supports the implementation of the corporate strategy as well as the individual's ability to act and freedom of decision in a targeted, competent and sustainable manner. It is always a great pleasure to present the PRISM Award and I am already looking forward to the submissions for 2020", says Dr. René Kusch, founder and Managing Partner of RELEVANT Managementberatung, German Distributor for Hogan Assessments (
Munich, 15.11.2019
Dr. Geertje Tutschka. PCC
Head of Prism Award ICF Germany
PS: We are already looking for the candidates 2020 (application opens in spring