Legal Coaching - the modern Hybrid

Legal Coaching - the modern hybrid
Coaching is acknowledged as a resource- and goal-oriented consulting approach with relevance for the future. Classic legal consulting must reinvent itself in times of digitalization and at the same time become more agile. Legal Coaching combines the best of these two worlds into a modern hybrid.
The legal coach - modern jack-of-all-trades?
Unlike in mediation, only lawyers can become legal coaches. This guarantees, on the one hand, professional know-how and legally correct coaching solutions, and on the other hand, a highly professional and at the same time human partnership with the client.
This distinguishes legal coaches from their professional colleagues.
But this does not just happen: The basis is a business coach training according to the highest international standards tailored to the legal everyday life. Here, for the first time in their training, lawyers learn communication and negotiation, change and crisis management, conversation choreography and professional empathy.
Reflection on one's own coaching approach, one's own view of humanity, ethics and values, as well as on prejudices, paradigms, social conditioning and "clean language" lead directly to personal development. Recognizing and respecting one's own resources (lawyers are at high risk of suicide and addiction) enables energetic cooperation; employees benefit from reflective leadership.
What do legal services and medical services have in common?
A rapidly developing orthodox medicine, the business-driven pharmaceutical industry, and increasingly well-evaluated alternative medical offerings have clearly shifted the focus in medical services from medical treatment to medical consultation in recent years. Professional coordination and competent support in complex treatments and interventions with limited top resources is also increasingly in demand, as it increasingly determines the sustainable success of medical treatment: medical coaching plays a significant role.
Something similar is happening in the legal sector right now: here, too, purely legal expertise has long since ceased to determine the successful outcome of complex proceedings. It has also long been decided that no lawyer, no matter how meticulous, can analytically outperform AI.
Legal Coaching focuses primarily on human qualities and builds these into case-deciding strengths.