
Dr. Geertje Tutschka, PCC presents the PRISM AWARD of ICF Germany for HR Excellence to SAP

How do you recognize a good coaching program? What distinguishes HR Excellence in the establishment of talent development programs? How can the use of coaching effectively support the corporate strategy?

On November 12, 2020 the Prism Award ceremony of ICF Germany took place under the direction of Dr. Geertje Tutschka.

This is already the third year that she, a lawyer and coach, has led the award team for the Coaching Prize for Companies of the international professional association for coaches - this year also supported by ICF Austria.

The jury, which includes experts from business and further education as well as the university sector, is accompanied by a three-stage evaluation process that is based on international quality standards.

While the presentation of the award by Dr. Tutschka could still take place directly on site at SAP together with the representative of the ICF Chapter Karlsruhe Ramin Hummel, the award gala took place for the first time online on the evening of the two-day congress Coachingtag this year - together with the award winners of the last years.

Congratulations to this year's Prism Award winner: SAP!

An impressive coaching concept with which SAP won the Prism Award Germany 2020!

Many thanks to Franziska Weis, Nicole Häffner and Ann-Kathrin Brodkorb from SAP for the great presentation, with which they brought coaching at SAP closer at the Award Gala!

For the laudatory speech and the sponsoring, a big thank you to Dr. Rene Immanuel Kusch RELEVANT Managementberatung (Hogan Assessment)

More information is available at www.prism-award.de



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