Coaching by Yaryna Oleshchuk in International Coaching Week
Your invitation to effectice self-reflection coaching.
Experience the power of coaching in International Coaching Week!
Your invitation to effectice self-reflection coaching.
Experience the power of coaching in International Coaching Week!
Dr. Geertje Tutschka, PCC and her team around the coaching award Prism Award of the international professional association for coaches ICF were honored for their services to quality in coaching.
What is the difference between legal consulting and legal coaching?
And how does the coaching industry fit in with the legal industry?
ICF Germany, a Top 10 Charter Chapter of the world's largest professional association of professional coaches, once again presents the Team Recognition Award for special honorary commitment to the coaching industry.
How do you recognize a good coaching program? What distinguishes HR Excellence in the establishment of talent development programs? How can the use of coaching effectively support the corporate strategy?
Dr. Geertje Tutschka (CLP) awards the Prism Award for outstanding coaching services in companies to SAP for the German chapter of the international professional association for coaches, the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
The CLP-Academy opens its doors again for post-graduate training for lawyers.
Business Coaching for law firms on strategy, mission statement and law firm division: Our webinar classic at the Law Firm Academy
Business Coaching for lawyers and their law firm strategy
Corona causes a lot of movement on the labour market! This is an ideal opportunity to position yourself as a top employer by means of employer branding. Placement on the shortlist or even as the winner of an established coaching prize of a professional association by an independent jury of experts helps to make high quality further training offers...