#WirvsVirusHackathon: The 30 winners and thus the best e-learning solutions, gaming projects and tracking apps of the first round are announced! Applications for the next round are only open until Thursday!
From 1,500 solutions, the jury selected the best nearly 200, including e-learning solutions, gaming projects and tracking apps. Yesterday, Monday, 30.03.2020, the best 30 projects for further development with the support of the Federal Government were named. These will now be implemented and used as quickly as possible in the fight against corona with the combined resources and support of the federal government.
Click here for the best 30 solutions.
The feedback from the participants of this first and largest hackathon worldwide against the corona crisis was overwhelming:
- 79% of participants would recommend participation
- 55 % now have more confidence in this initiative due to the patronage of the German government
- 2 of 5 participants over 35 years (good mixture of all age groups)
- Social media and the "Internet in general" received a positive boost
The feedback highlights of the participants were:
- "A great moment in democracy"
- "Woodstock 4.0"
- "a tsunami of volunteers"
But now it's time to move on: the great network of experts, enthusiasts, companies, sponsors and politicians is to be used further.
Therefore, there is now the possibility to submit further projects and solutions in the next few days.
Attention: Submission is only possible until Thursday, 02.04.2020!
The next building blocks:
- solution enabler
- solution builder
- community management
- matching funds
In addition to the winners of the first hackathon, these building blocks are intended to support the fight against the corona crisis over the next 6 months, especially in these 15 fields of action:
- Test methods and chains of infection
- Health1: stationary
- Health2: outpatient
- Mental health
Everyday life in the crisis
- Protection of risk groups
- Public life
- Domestic life
- Minorities and special needs
Economy and state
- Helpers:inside and employees:inside
- Crisis management of companies
- State1: Support
- State2: Administration and authorities
- Communication
- Solidarity
- Allowing the transition
More details here.
The hackathon and the joint fight against the Corona crisis continues!
#BetterTogether #WirvsVirus
Read more about the Hackathon also in our blog and our news.