"Fuck female job titles!"
I say: "meant" is an illusion.
And: I feel discriminated against by gendered job titles.
Federal Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht (SPD) sees herself as a feminist and pioneer for a more gender-just language - and so her ministry has now simply tried something that is new territory for legislation: In the speaker's draft on the "Further development of the reorganization and insolvency law (SanInsFoG)", the generic feminine is used almost exclusively. It is characterized by formulations such as employee, complainant, creditor, debtor up to the "holders of segregation entitlements". Politicians frown; politicians are outraged.
I say: A courageous advance!
And: Respect!
Not only that it finally gives the lukewarm permanent alibi "does it really have to be in Corona? Here to take notes: THERE IS NO POST-CORONA!
It finally offers all skeptics a natural "look and feel" of what the world feels like for the other half. And emotions are usually much more honest and direct than any chain of argument.
Minister of the Interior and Constitution Horst Seehofer (CSU) emphasizes that the law could hardly be constitutional in this way. "While the generic masculine, i.e. the use of the masculine linguistic form, is recognized for people of male and female gender, the generic feminine for use for female and male persons has not been recognized linguistically so far. Yes, it is formally correct and corresponds to general (male-defined) political correctness but not to the personal experience of the "other half".
Horst gets to the point - but unfortunately only from a male perspective! Thanks a lot.
As is so often the case, however, what matters here is the recipient horizon, i.e. the female (that of the "other half"). And at least my female feedback would be: "I don't feel that I am included". This does not correspond to my self-esteem.
But Horst is right in naming the problem: That job titles are understood as masculine! As a doctor of law, I don't want to be a double-derived female form of a man in the German Languange: "Doktora", "Rechtsanwältin"... who is interested in my gender in business?
I have the same degree, I do the same work: I demand the same qualifications and job titles! Everything else feels like a cheat pack with disclaimer.
I do not want to be "meant".
I am meant!
That must be the goal. Nothing less.
In the English-speaking world I have tried it out. As a "Coach, Trainer and Speaker" I have also personally tried out in the German-speaking world what it means to compete directly on equal terms with the same job title.
I say: "Herrlich". (a typical masculin phrase fro wunderful - how should this be gendered?)
And: I would definitely not like to speak for the "third half" (transgender, intersexual, non-binary, etc.). Let's de-sexualize job titles!
These borders have only been erected to exclude (e.g. to prevent women from practising handicraft professions). Nobody says CEO. Neither does a father or mother. Today we are better than that.
Today we know that there is enough of everything for everyone. And we have respect for the life choices of others. Don't we?!
We all just have to want it. ALL WANT IT.
Then I'm finally Dr. Tutschka. Then I will finally be a "Rechtsanwalt" - after 25 years.
I was a coach, trainer and speaker from day one.
Dr. Geertje Tutschka, PCC
(Lawyer, Leader, Coach)
Click here for the report on the amended draft law.
The article was originally published in LinkedIn Pulse.
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