Lawyer Well-Being Week

Too many lawyers are not thriving. A significant number struggle with mental health and alcohol use disorders. Many others, while not dealing with a diagnosable illness, still are not fully well. The result is that many lawyers are unable to be their best for their clients, colleagues, communities, and families.
We can no longer ignore our profession’s well-being problem.
(Source: Krill et al., 2016; Mental Health Daily report of suicide by occupation)
- SUICIDE: Ranked #8 in a study of suicide by occupation. Rate is 1.33 times the national norm.
- ALCOHOL: 21-36% qualify as problem drinkers. Higher for men; under age 30; and private practice, especially solo practitioners.
- DEPRESSION: 28% report mild or higher depression symptoms. Highest for men and solo practitioners.
- STRESS: 23% report mild or higher stress symptoms. Highest for women and solo practitioners.
- ANXIETY: 19% report mild or higher anxiety symptoms. Highest for women and solo practitioners.
Lawyer Well-Being Week is a good next step we can take together. CLP - Consulting for Legal Professionals will be part of this movement and will provide you with facts and helpful ressources to improve the mental health during the legal profession.
More information about the US - National Task Force and the Volunteer Team can you find here.